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Not Experiencing Vaccine Side Effects? Medical Experts Say Not to Worry

Now that more and more Americans are finally getting the COVID-19 vaccine, one of the hottest topics of conversation in many social circles is to compare side effects from the shot. This comparison inev...

What Will it Take for the Usage of Facials Masks to Become Normalized?

As health experts continue to learn more about the most likely vectors of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, it is becoming more clear that facial masks make a difference. Not only does wearing a mask h...

Tips for Quick Weight Loss Without Any Sacrifices

Many people turn to crash diets or quick fixes to lose weight, but these methods often require you to make big sacrifices, like eliminating entire food groups or spending long hours at the gym. Others take it too far by sk...

New Wellness Benefits Program Exclusively for Men Launches with $30M

Over the past few years, the wellness industry has exploded in popularity. Starting with simple apps, such as those that play soothing sounds to aid with sleep, it's quickly ballooned into a huge chunk of t...

How You Can Stay Safe if Your State is Lifting COVID-19 Restrictions

Over the last few months, the work of a nation came to a halt as the COVID-19 health crisis continued its grip across the world. However, at least 31 states will begin the reopening process over the next f...

Cancel Routine Health Screenings During the Pandemic? What to Do Now

Many Americans put off routine health screenings during the pandemic because they did not want to venture into healthcare settings. However, with a widely available vaccine and a better understanding of th...

Focusing on Mental Health When Returning to the Office

Mental health is one of the major wellness issues affecting Americans. One of the main drivers of mental health is our jobs. What happens at work affects our well-being in numerous ways. The pandemic has changed many pre...

Three General Wellness Guidelines for the Pandemic

President Joe Biden's administration announced earlier this week that mandatory lock-downs, handed down from the federal government, look like they're on the horizon. A push to get everyone vaccinated is failing due to the ...

The Benefits of Knowing Yourself for Overall Wellness

Self-awareness is key to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. When you know who you are and what makes you happy, making decisions that align with your values and interests becomes more manageable. However, many individuals nev...

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