Tired of Zoom Social Gatherings? How You Can Mix Up Your Interactions

Mary Singleton
Published Jul 15, 2024

The novelty of the Zoom happy hour or the virtual game night was enough to get most people through the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was fun to gather online with friends and family in your pajamas from the comfort of your own couch. However, the uniqueness of this method of socialization has worn thin for many people craving something different.

During these unprecedented times, it is vital that you make an effort to connect with others. Your mental health and emotional wellness are contingent on you being intentional about making these important connections. Unfortunately, many people are now suffering from a real form of Zoom fatigue.

Why the Zoom Fatigue?

It is understandable that people do not look forward to more time in front of a screen. With so many people going to work and school online, the last thing that you want to do with your free time is to sit in front of your computer more. In addition, the technical issues that inevitably accompany this format are a deterrent for those simply wanting a relaxed social experience. Lastly, those who already deal with some level of social anxiety may feel awkward interacting in this type of format.

So what should you do if you have Zoom fatigue? Try these three suggestions to mix up your interactions and make it more exciting to be social.

Work Up a Sweat

One of the unintended benefits of the pandemic is that it has forced many fitness providers to put their workouts online. This is a great advantage for those individuals who prefer to work out in the privacy of their own homes. You can leverage these opportunities to both get in shape and connect with friends and family.

All that you need to do is find a streaming workout platform that everyone can agree to use. You can choose to do the workouts at the same time or you can simply share your experiences. Add an extra layer of fun by making it a competition. For example, challenge everyone in your group to complete a set amount of workouts per week. This shared activity will keep everyone connected until you can exercise together in-person once again. As a bonus, your spirits will immediately feel lifted as a result of the feel-good endorphins produced by working up a sweat.

Drop Off a Care Package

One of the best ways to show others that you care is to present them with a care package. Nothing will improve the mood of your loved ones more than a surprise delivery on their front porch. It will also make you feel great in the process. Maybe you want to bake a fresh loaf of bread or a batch of cookies? Or perhaps you want to put together a colorful floral arrangement?

If you have kids, it is always a fun idea to visit a donut store early one weekend morning and buy a few dozen treats to drop off to their friends. Not only will you make a lot of kids smile, but this is also a great way to support local businesses in your area.

Launch a Virtual Book Club

Many people are using this extra downtime to dive into all of the books they have been wanting to read. Use this time to launch a virtual book club to bring people together. Once you create your group, everyone can take turns selecting a book for the month. You can then get together virtually or through a social media page or text thread to discuss your thoughts about the book.

This is a great way to encourage people to read while also providing a compliant outlet to socialize. Having a book to read by a set deadline will also provide people with a sense of purpose during this challenging time.

This is undoubtedly a difficult time for many. It is important to remember that this crisis will pass in time. In the meantime, it is vital that you take proactive steps to keep your mental health intact. One of the best ways to do this is to be intentional about creating and maintaining meaningful connections with the important people in your life.

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