Struggling with the Time Change? Read This Important Information for Help

William Asher
Published Apr 8, 2024

If your internal body clock feels disrupted this week, you are certainly not alone. While setting the clocks back one hour is easier than the spring counterpart of moving forward, it is not unusual to feel a little off for a bit. Here is what you need to know about this time change and how you can use it to your advantage.

Understanding Why Falling Back is Easier

When you fall back in the autumn, you experience an earlier sunrise paired with an earlier sunset. This means that you see more daylight early in the day rather than later. This timing of daylight better aligns with the body's master clock, known as the circadian rhythm. An earlier sunrise is helpful in supporting the body's efforts to wake up while preventing the master clock from being shifted to a later period.

An earlier sunset also assists the body in winding down at the end of the day while preparing the body to sleep. This earlier shift will help the body to fall asleep more quickly at night, providing a better night of rest. This natural acclimation makes the time change a better fit than when the clocks move forward in the spring.

How to Adjust to this Time Change

Even though most people generally have an easier time adjusting to the fall time change, there are still people who may feel groggy for the first week or two. Here are some ways that you can help your internal close to adjust to this change.

  • Keep Your Sleep Routine Consistent - When it comes to getting through this sleep adjustment, consistency is key. While you may be tempted to go to bed earlier because your body is telling you it is time to do so, it is better to forge ahead and keep your bedtime and wake-up times consistent. This consistency will help to speed up the acclimation process.

  • Light Exposure - Be sure to use the extra hour of light early in the day to your advantage. Exposing your body to natural light will send the message that it is time to wake up and get moving. For example, taking a quick walk in the sunlight over your lunch break can go a long way in helping your body to adjust. You can also use a lightbox to regulate your sleep and wake cycles if you are having trouble during the dark days of winter.

  • Engage in Healthy Bedtime Habits - One of the best things that you can do to encourage good sleeping habits is to engage in behaviors that promote a restful sleep. This means avoiding caffeinated beverages for four to six hours before trying to go to sleep. You should also limit your consumption of alcohol in the evening. Although you may find that you fall asleep faster after enjoying an alcoholic beverage, you are also more likely to wake up in the middle of the night and not fall back asleep.

  • Turn Off Electronics - Turning off your electronics an hour before bedtime will help to send the signal to your mind that it is time to wind down and rest. This is because the blue light from these electronics hinders the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Time Changes and Young Children

It is important to keep in mind that young children and infants are not aware of the change in the clocks, making it difficult for them to transition to the shift. As a parent, you can make this process easier by shifting the bedtime ahead by 10 minutes each day leading up to the time change. You can also try doing this the week just after you change the clocks. Doing this gradually will make it easier for your child's internal clock to adjust, helping to avoid unnecessary meltdowns. It is not unusual for a young child to take a few weeks to adjust to falling back one hour.

Remember that this too shall pass. While it may take a few days or even a week for your body to adjust to any time change, your internal clock will eventually calibrate to the new sunrise and sunset hours.

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