Are These Five Tips the Answer to Making Wellness More Culturally Inclusive?

Jessica Williams
Published Sep 22, 2024

For many years, the wellness community has had a big inclusivity problem. Of course most wellness enthusiasts are not actively racist, but there can be a lot of small misunderstandings that keep many minorities from participating in the movement. By creating a more inclusive environment, people of all cultures can stay healthy. According to minorities themselves, there are a few things the wellness community can do to encourage more involvement.

Add More Diversity to the Conversation

Right now, the majority of top Youtubers, podcasts, and other wellness gurus tend to be white. This can be a challenge because it does not provide representation, and it can lead to certain viewpoints being ignored. Adding more diversity among wellness leaders is not something that can change overnight, but there are some big benefits to creating a more diverse environment. When the big names in wellness take the time to invite minority guest speakers or collaborate with people of color, they use their position of power to uplift others. Taking the time to cultivate a more diverse range of voices can provide fresh ways of thinking and help minorities feel more involved in the wellness community.

Acknowledge that Everyone Does Not Have Equal Access to Food and Fitness Options

Often, people are told that they can become fit if they just start eating healthy and exercising. However, for many people of color, things aren't as simple. In many urban minority neighborhoods, "food deserts" exist. This is an area where people do not have any nearby stores offering access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options. Instead, they are stuck with nothing but convenience stores offering junk food. There can also be some barriers to fitness for some minorities. In addition to a lack of gyms in their neighborhoods, it may be unsafe for some people to go for a jog or exercise outside. Acknowledging these challenges can help minorities feel heard, and it can make it easier for people to start suggesting alternatives.

Recognize That Representation Matters in Advertising

One issue many minorities bring up is that they see nothing but white people in the wellness community. This lack of representation can keep certain wellness activities from appealing to minorities. For example, when a gym's yoga class is advertised with a group of mainly white exercisers, it can subtly imply that yoga is only for a certain type of person. Wellness brands who make an effort to include diverse faces and body shapes in their marketing can help create a more inclusive environment.

Take Into Account Differing Cultural Attitudes Towards Wellness

The wellness community often tends to approach the concept from a strictly white, middle-class, American mindset. This can mean that they miss out on ways of connecting with people of color and promoting wellness to those from different cultural heritages. One example of this is how much the wellness community tends to emphasize a thin, toned body as the ideal. People from cultures where curvier shapes are appreciated might think "well I don't want to be super skinny, so there's no reason to bother with wellness." By taking into account how wellness goals vary based on culture, it can be possible to create wellness programs that appeal to more people.

Avoid Demonizing Entire Food Groups

Many parts of the wellness community follow strict diets that can exclude common cultural foods. For example, right now, the big trend is low or no carb diets. However, the idea of eating nothing but meat, dairy, and vegetables is a very Western concept. In many Latin countries, rice, beans, yams, and other starches make up the majority of a person's diet. Likewise, many Asian cultures tend to eat large amounts of rice and wheat and barely any meat. When the wellness community promotes restrictive diets, they can end up completely banning entire cultural food groups. This can make it hard for people of color to keep in touch with their roots, enjoy traditional foods, and even find meals to cook. Promoting general balanced eating can be more healthy and welcoming than trying to get people to cut out certain foods altogether.

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