Another COVID-19 Surge Coming Soon? Here is How You Can Prepare

Jeffrey Simmons
Published Jun 8, 2024

After a rough summer, it appears that COVID-19 cases in the US are starting to level off and turn downward. However, health experts caution that a second wave of the virus is nearly imminent. With many schools set to resume in-person learning and the onset of cooler temperatures driving people indoors, it will be no surprise if the virus spikes in the coming months. The good news is that since more is known about the virus now than when it first hit the country in March, it is easier to prepare for the expected surge.

Here are six things that you can do now to prepare for a possible spike in cases this fall and winter.

Gather Plenty of Face Masks

It is unlikely that the nation will go into a lockdown to the extent of the March and April closures. Because business will likely continue on some level, it will be more important than ever to make sure that you have plenty of face masks on hand. Be sure that everyone in your family has enough reusable masks so that you can rotate them and wash them regularly. It is also a good idea to keep some disposable masks in your vehicles to use in a pinch. You want to get into the habit of never leaving the house without having adequate coverings.

Brush Up on School Policies

It is important to remember that just because schools are in session now, it does not mean that this is a guarantee to continue throughout the year. This is a good time to brush up on school closure policies. For example, how many confirmed positive cases will it take before the school shuts down? Knowing how the process will work will help you to be able to anticipate possible closures that may disrupt your life.

Stock Up on Non-perishable Food

While it is not advisable to horde food, it is never a bad idea to stock up on non-perishables. There may come a time when you feel nervous about leaving the house again. Having these non-perishables on hand will give you peace of mind. Good things to keep in your home in plentiful amounts include canned fruits and vegetables, beans, rice, cereal, and nuts.

Gather Cleaning Supplies and Medications

In addition to sufficient amounts of non-perishable food, you also want to gather plenty of cleaning and medical supplies. You should have adequate amounts of hand sanitizer on hand. Make sure that your children know how to properly use this product when they are away from home. Other supplies to purchase now include disinfectant wipes and sprays. While you are shopping, you can also buy over the counter medications that you may find helpful if anyone in your family gets sick. Pain relievers, fever reducers, and decongestants have all been helpful in helping to reduce mild symptoms of COVID-19.

Stay Informed

There is no doubt that this is a rapidly changing situation that deserves your full attention. It is crucial that you stay informed, especially as it pertains to numbers and developments in your local community. If you notice that the confirmed caes in your area are rising sharply, you should be prepared for more restrictions to be put in place.

That said, it is also important to regulate your news consumption so that you do not become overly anxious. Setting aside one time per day to check the latest numbers and headlines will help to keep you informed and empowered without weighing too heavily on your mental health.

Schedule Medical and Dental Checkups Now

If you have been putting off getting that annual well-check or a dental cleaning, now is the time to make it happen. Since most medical clinics are now open for in-person visits, it is important to take advantage and catch up on any appointments that you have may have missed during the shutdown. While you are visiting the doctor, be sure to also get your flu shot. Protecting yourself from the regular influenza strain will ensure that you are doing your part to help the medical community focus on the COVID-19 crisis.

The nation could be in for another wild ride this fall and winter. You will sleep better at night if you know that you have done everything that you can to prepare for what possibly lies ahead.

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