How to Proceed With the Summer of COVID-19 According to the CDC

Jessica Williams
Published Apr 27, 2024

The Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention (CDC) have released a guidebook on how to enjoy a safe and healthy summer amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic. On Friday, the CDC released these guidelines to help individuals to ascertain risks in certain situations and to provide recommendations on how to protect themselves. The general recommendations in all situations are not a surprise. Health experts continue to urge individuals to wear cloth face coverings, wash hands diligently, practice social distancing, avoid touching the face, and disinfect surfaces. In addition to these guidelines, the CDC released new recommendations to specific situations.

Getting Your Sweat On at the Gym

After months of quarantine, many people are itching to get back to the gym. It is no surprise to learn that gyms harbor a host of bacteria and germs, making them hotbeds for COVID-19 infections. You can protect yourself by taking care to thoroughly wipe down all machines and equipment with sanitizing spray before and after use. While it is understandably uncomfortable to wear a mask during high-intensity workouts, wearing one during low-intensity exercise will go a long way in preventing the spread of the virus. You should also limit your participation in group exercise classes and opt for as much outside activity as possible.

Visiting the Library

Bookworms have been struggling with all of this extra time paired with no access to libraries during the shutdown. With most libraries beginning to open up, many people are eager to get back and stock up on some great reading. To limit your time spent in the physical library, consider reserving your books online so that you do not have to spend time inside browsing the shelves. If you need to use a computer at the library, be sure to wipe it down before and after use. Using digital materials when possible is also a good idea.

Hosting Social Gatherings

Summer barbeque season is gearing up and people are anxious to get together with loved ones after months apart. The best thing that you can do to protect yourself and your guests is to host the party outside. This virus thrives in enclosed and poorly ventilated spaces, making the outdoors the best choice. Do not be shy about asking your guests to wash their hands when they arrive at your home. You should also have hand sanitizer placed strategically throughout the gathering area to encourage more handwashing. Arrange tables six feet apart and seat people with their immediate family. Avoiding potlucks situations will also mitigate the risk of the virus.

Traveling Overnight

Many people are choosing a road trip over air travel for their summer vacation. Take special care in rest areas, making sure that you wash your hands thoroughly and wear a mask when in the restroom. Instead of sitting in a restaurant to eat, consider grabbing take-out and finding a park to enjoy your meal outside. When you arrive at your hotel, use antibacterial wipes or spray to disinfect the common surfaces. For example, you should wipe down the door handles and the remote control before anyone in your family uses them. When walking through a hotel, it is a better idea to take the stairs than using a potentially crowded elevator.

Using Public Transportation

There is no doubt that public transportation may harbor a variety of potentially dangerous germs. You can reduce your risk of contracting the virus by choosing the most direct routes. Wearing a mask at all times will also dramatically help to stop the spread of the virus. Be sure to avoid touching ticketing kiosks, handrails, and other frequently touched areas. If you have to touch something, wash your hands immediately after with hand sanitizer. Choosing to travel during off-times will increase the chances that you are able to find a seat that allows you to social distance properly.

It is clear that you cannot live in a bubble during the entirety of the pandemic. As states begin to open up again, it is inevitable that you will be resuming life on some level. With so many unknowns about this novel virus, it is better to proceed with caution as everyone navigates this challenging time. Following these guidelines set forth by the CDC will ensure that you are doing what you can to protect your health and those around you.

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