Wellness Activities that Will Help Your Mind and Body and Go Easy on Your Wallet

Chris Remington
Published May 7, 2024

People are worried about their health and their bank accounts in the age of COVID-19. While they may want to try wellness solutions, they could be an undue strain on their bank accounts when money may be tight and wellness can be expensive. Thus, the challenge becomes how to do wellness while sticking to a budget. The good news is that it is not as hard as you think it is. Here are some suggestions for inexpensive ways to boost your wellness when times are tough.

Organize Your Home

It may seem daring to suggest cleaning as a wellness idea. However, we cannot underestimate the effect that having an orderly residence can have on you. When you get organized and on top of things, your life feels less chaotic. You will also feel a sense of accomplishment when you take on a domestic challenge and succeed. A clean home is one of the best ways that you can feel better about being stuck inside. You will feel better both about the accomplishment itself and the result.

Buy Resistance Bands

You may not have the money or the space to buy a home gym. Nonetheless, you still need to get exercise during this time. However, home gyms start in the hundreds of dollars. You can get almost as good of a workout and tone your body through resistance bands. These will allow you to perform a variety of exercises, and all you need is a door to which to fasten them. This will give you your very own version of a home gym which could cost as low as $30. By the time that you get back to the gym, you will have a nice start towards getting toned, even if it is not expensive fitness equipment.

Do Some Gardening

Horticultural therapy can help you get a new lease on your day. This is otherwise known as gardening. By the time that your stay-at-home order is lifted, you will be able to see the growth in what you have planted. Your garden will also give you a great place to spend some time when you want to take advantage of the spring weather. One of the biggest benefits of gardening is the fact that it will reduce your cortisol levels. This is what causes you to become stressed under difficult conditions. Even things such as digging and weeding help lower your stress level.

Meditate and Mindfulness

Meditation can help you take the time to sit in quiet and focus on your thoughts. It even changes your brain and how you process and deal with this stressful time. What meditation does in part is slow things down for you and shut out the outside world. Then, you get to spend some time within yourself in a way that closes off some of the negativity and pressures. The great thing about meditation is that you can pick whichever way works best for you. There is no one set way to meditate.

Mindfulness will help relieve you of your propensity to worry about the past and the future during this pandemic. This will enable you to live in the present and focus on what you are feeling during this time. Mindfulness can help you keep your thoughts more focused and keep them from spinning out of control. In other words, it is the classic example of "one step at a time" thinking that will keep you from worrying about the future too much.

Read a Book

Spending time in a book can help take your mind out of the current situation and place it somewhere else. You can either lose yourself in a fiction story or devote the effort to master a non-fiction topic. The more time that you can spend away from the news or the internet, the better off your thought process can remain. You can even grab a book from your personal library so it does not cost you anything. When you finish a book, you will also have a feeling of achievement or accomplishment. While it cannot replicate what you are missing due to cancelled events, at least it is a worthy distraction that can help take care of your mind while not hitting you in the wallet. Feeding your brain and exercising your intellect is every bit as important during this time as physical exercise.

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