Here is What You Need to Do to Protect Yourself From the Coronavirus

Kelly Cooke
Published Apr 15, 2024

Although the COVID-19 outbreak is starting to show signs that it may be reaching its peak in many parts of the world, the battle is far from over. The majority of the country is still under mandated lockdown in an effort to stop the spread of the deadly virus. While you can never fully protect yourself from being exposed to this virus, there are steps that you can take to help to significantly mitigate the chance that you catch it and become ill.

Wash Your Hands

The number one thing that you can do to decrease your risk of catching the coronavirus is to regularly wash your hands. It is not enough to simply rinse your hands under running water. You need to use soap and water while vigorously rubbing your hands together for at least 20 seconds. Be sure to wash the back of your hands, in between the fingers, and under the fingernails. This is especially important to do after you have been in a public place, before and after sneezing, and after using the bathroom. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used if you do not have soap and water that is easily accessible. It is important that the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol to be effective.

Cover Your Face

In a bit of a reversal, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now recommending that all people use some type of face covering when they go out in public. It is important to note that the CDC is not recommending that people hoard critical medically-approved coverings such as surgical or N95 masks. Instead, health officials are recommending that you make a cloth face mask. These masks are simple to make using fabric or a bandana with a rubber band to keep it on your face. The more people that wear face coverings while out in public, the more that the spread of the virus will be reduced. The mask should fit snugly but comfortably on your face and should not hinder your breathing ability. Be sure to thoroughly wash and dry your mask every time that you use it. It is also important to take care when removing it so that you do not inadvertently spread the virus particles. There are many YouTube tutorials to show you how to safely use, remove, wash, and store your mask.

Practice Social Distancing

Limiting your contact with others is one of the best ways to reduce your potential exposure to this virus. Remember that people can be carrying the virus without showing symptoms. In order to properly social distance, you need to be intentional about staying at least six feet away from other people. The virus is easily spread through droplets in the air, making this space necessary. Most states have prohibited large gatherings, including church services and other events where people tend to come together in groups. You can do your part by ordering groceries through a delivery service if possible and avoiding hanging out in places with other people around.

Cleaning Surfaces

Even if you are not leaving your home, you may inadvertently allow the virus into your home if you are not careful about what you bring in. If you are having groceries or other life essentials delivered, it is best to leave the packaging outside. Carefully bring in all items and use disinfectant wipes and spray on them before putting them away. If you put any items on a counter or other surface, you should also thoroughly clean this area when you are done. Be sure to wash your hands after you have completed the process. Many healthcare professionals recommend washing your clothes and taking a shower after you have been at the store or any other place with many people. With the virility of this virus, you can never be too careful.

The single best way to avoid coming down with COVID-19 is to severely limit your potential exposure to the virus. When it comes to stopping this virus in its tracks, everyone has a role to play. You can do your part by taking these steps to protect yourself and others around you. Together, everyone can play a small role in stopping the spread of this virus so that normal life can be resumed sooner rather than later.

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