Self-Care Tips to Make it Through the COVID-19 Quarantine

Monica Jackson
Published Jul 25, 2024

Like nearly every other American, you are probably reading this article from your home since you have been ordered to remain there while the COVID-19 crisis unfolds. Many people could end up mired in a funk or depression, and their physical and emotional health could suffer as a result. Self-care is more vital now than it ever has been. Without it, your overall health may suffer. Here are some self-care tips while you are shut in your home during the coronavirus outbreak

Keep the Curtains Open

Studies have shown that sunlight is one of the best things possible for your mood. Even if you are afraid to venture outside for a walk, you can still keep the curtains and windows open to let light into your home.

The best thing is to sit outside on your patio or balcony if you have one to enjoy the natural light and fresh air. Darkness tends to accentuate any tendency that you may have towards depression. This current crisis would certainly qualify as an event that could spark a depression. If you sit inside with the curtains closed, you will likely feel the same effects as Seasonal Depression Disorder


Exercise is one of the best antidotes to depression. The endorphins that are released when you exercise help fight the anxiety that leads to depression. Sometimes, a little physical activity will just make you feel better. In addition, physical activity can help take your mind off your worries and stress for just a little bit.

You do not even have to leave your house to get some exercise, although it is best to combine exercise with sunlight by taking a walk around your neighborhood. If you have a treadmill, you can get a quick workout. Even some pushups or situps or arm curls while watching television can help you get the endorphins flowing.

Get Up and About Periodically

Some of your depression comes from the fact that you are sedentary for a long period of time. Sometimes, you just feel like you are becoming part of the couch, and it impacts your psyche for the worse.

If you get up every hour from sitting, it will get the blood flowing and will help you feel that much better, even if you cannot leave the house. Changing your activity periodically will make you feel more productive when you cannot go outside. This means taking a break from the Netflix marathon that you are using to fill your time. There is nothing wrong with making yourself feel good with some movies, but make sure to move around every now and then.

Read a Book

Many of us are able to exercise our brains because we are able to telework. However, most of our jobs last only 40 hours per week, even if there is steady work to be done. If you are not working, keep your brain occupied by trying to do something intellectual. For many of us, reading or any other educational activity keeps us thinking and we feel better as a result.

There are many different places that are offering free online classes during the COVID-19 outbreak. Completing one of these classes can lead to a feeling of accomplishment that can help erase feelings of worthlessness that many people feel when they are stuck at home doing nothing.

Try to Eat Healthier

When you are at home and not able to get your regular physical activity, you are prone to gain weight in a hurry. This will make you feel worse about yourself and can heighten feelings of depression that may already be gaining momentum.

You should adjust your diet to keep your weight gain to a minimum while you are stuck inside. We recognize that fresh food requires trips to the grocery store and the situation may require eating more processed food than usual. Therefore, try to keep your snacking to a minimum, recognizing that you may be prone to weight gain during this time.

Not only will eating healthier foods keep you slimmer, but they may also make you feel better. If you can get your hands on fresh fruit and vegetables, the vitamins and minerals will make you feel more vital.

This is a difficult time for all of us. Many will end up depressed after months indoors, but there are things you can do to lessen the blow.

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