President Trump's Guidelines for Virus Prevention

Jeffrey Simmons
Published Jun 30, 2024

President Trump's Guidelines for Virus Prevention

For anyone living in the United States of America with a mailing address, you received today a small leaflet from President Donald Trump, which highlights a variety of guidelines for dealing with the global pandemic through which we're currently suffering thanks to the Coronavirus.

The little flier that was released, about the size of a regular postcard, says "Slow the Speed: President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines for America." Already receiving heavy criticism, because it has Trump's name on it, the guidelines were actually developed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and have been the basic guidelines for many years now, including the H1N1 epidemic and SARS.

Upon flipping over the card to read the guidelines, the first thing that will likely catch one's eye is the big, bright blue box with bold white typing. It says "Even if you are young, or otherwise healthy, you are at risk and your activities can increase the risk of others. It is critical that you do your part to slow the spread of the Coronavirus."

After so many social media videos have come out in recent weeks, from Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook and more, it is clear that millions of America's youth have a Devil-may-care attitude about the virus, saying things like "Who cares? It only affects old people," and "I'm going to go party if I want." The dangers of selfishness here are that these young people might all infect one another and be fine, but they're going home with their parents and grandparents, who might not do so well with the virus.

This is the sort of stuff that normal people thought wouldn't have to be said; but with the way the youth in America behave today, they may need a strong reminder of some basic guidelines. In fact, maybe everyone could brush up on their guidelines.

Coronavirus Guidelines Straight from POTUS and the CDC

1: Listen and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.

2: If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. (Adding to that guideline: The CDC recommends not allowing other people into the home, unless it is an emergency situation. Social isolation is key during this time, according to experts.)

3: If your children are sick, keep them at home. Contact your medical provider. (For this guideline, and a few others, the CDC and Trump recommend not rushing into an emergency room. They're overburdened as is. If you can, seek your primary care physician.)

4: If you are an older person, of have a serious underlying health condition, stay home and away from other people. (Again, social isolation is paramount in these times, according to all experts.)

5: If someone in your household has tested positive, keep the entire household at home.

6: Work or study from home whenever possible.

7: Avoid social gatherings in groups of 10 or more people. (The idea here to mitigate risk is that the fewer people with whom you are in contact, the less the odds are of contracting from or spreading the disease to a lot of people.)
8: Avoid eating or drinking at bars and restaurants - use pickup or delivery options.

9: Avoid discretionary travel, shopping trips, and social visits. (The CDC recommends to only go to locations other than your home in case of absolute necessity.)

10: Do not visit nursing homes or retirement or long-term care facilities unless to provide critical assistance.

11: Always practice good hygiene:

- Wash your hands, especially after touching any frequently used item or surface.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow.
- Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible.

Trump's Opponents Disagree

One of the more disheartening aspects of this virus pandemic, for normal people, is that media and politicians continue to play politics. These guidelines are slammed for coming from Trump, even though they come from the CDC. And look no further than the most popular mainstream news outlets to see media outright lying about Trump promoting Hydroxychloroquine and getting people killed.

According to dozens of doctors who report to the White House, Hydroxychloroquine, when combined with antibiotics, has some promise as an effective treatment for COVID-19. However, because Donald Trump said it, media are unrelenting in attempting to debunk this a non-claim while assuring people that there's no hope, ever, because Donald Trump.

After the Coronavirus, many Americans believe there's another virus that also needs a cure. And that's a dishonest, fearmongering media.

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