Looking to Avoid the Coronavirus? Here are 6 Steps You Can Take

Jeffrey Simmons
Published Jul 20, 2024

As coronavirus cases continue to spike all over the world, many people are wondering what they can do to keep themselves protected. Short of keeping yourself in a bubble, there is probably no way to completely avoid the germs that cause this virus to take hold in the body. However, there are a number of steps that you can take to reduce your risk of contracting the virus.

Wash Your Hands

The number one thing that you can do to lower the chance that you come down with the coronavirus is to wash your hands. Wash your hands a lot. And then do it again. You need to be intentional about washing your hands before and after you eat or any time that you touch door handles or other high traffic areas. Be sure to wash your hands every time that you go to the bathroom or blow your nose. Basically, you need to clean your hands with soap and water every time you touch anything that is community property.

Simply running your hands under a stream of water is not enough. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you need to scrub your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Be sure to scrub the back of your hands, in between the fingers, and under your fingernails. It is not enough to just clean the palms because the germs will migrate from other parts of the hand. Drying your hands completely will also help to mitigate the spread of germs.

No Soap? Reach for the Sanitizer

If there is no soap and water available, you can use hand sanitizer as a substitute. The sanitizer should have an alcohol concentration of at least 60% in order to effectively kill the germs that lead to the coronavirus. Keeping a small bottle of hand sanitizer on you and using it judiciously can help to stop the spread of this virus.

Save the Handshakes for Another Time

It can be challenging to break the habit of shaking hands when you greet somebody. However, doing so can help to stop the spread of this virus. Instead of hand-shaking, many health experts are recommending the elbow bump. Or simply wave your hand or do an air fist bump. During these times of caution, everyone will understand your intention.

Wipe Down Work Stations

Office work stations are known for their high concentrations of germs. It is a good idea to use an EPA-approved cleaning product to disinfect your desk, keyboard, and computer mouse every day. To truly kill the germs, let the disinfectant sit on the surface for at least five minutes before wiping it away. You also need to be diligent about regularly cleaning all community areas and surfaces that many people use. This will go a long way in cutting down the spread of germs.

Avoid Large Gatherings and Crowds

The spread of germs rises exponentially as a direct result of the size of the gathering. This is why many local governments are limiting the size of public gatherings to a certain number of people. Even if your area does not have any restrictions in place yet, you can do your part to protect yourself and your loved ones by avoiding large gatherings.

Take Care of Yourself

Just like with any cold or flu, you are in a better position to fight off the virus if you take care of your physical health. This means taking the time to nourish your body with the right nutrients with a focus on powerful antioxidants. You also need to make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of sleep each night so that your body is rested and ready to fight off any virus. Staying properly hydrated also goes a long way in an effort to stay healthy.

It is clear by now that it is going to take a monumental effort by every citizen to mitigate the dangers of this virus spreading to the most vulnerable populations of people. You can do your part by taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and help to stop the rapid spread of the virus.

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